Unreal Engine 5 UE5 Setup Guide
This product was developed for UE4 (using the PhysX system) and is not configured for UE5 (which uses the newer Chaos system). The linked guide may assist with the initial setup but it is not a complete solution. The UE5 version of this rope system has a number of issues. New customers wanting to use UE5 are advised to postpone purchase until the release of a new UE5 centric product. No ETA on release.
Previous engine versions are working as normal.
Legacy Content:
The pre-2022 rope system is still included with the plugin. For those who do not want to update to the new version, here is a link to the old documentation: Old Support Page
I’m glad you like it. As for the chain system, it lacks some of the features of the rope version: alternating meshes is one of them.
I have added the feature to the to do list. I can’t guarantee that I will get it done, but if there is time - I will do so.
Remember that the chain substitutes its hit model when cut to create the effect of the chain link being broken open. If you change the chain model, you also have to change the “Cut Chain Model”. Alternatively, you can disable “switch mesh on cut” if you do not want to use this feature.
Hey! Thank you for updating the plugin to UE5! I’m having instability problems like ropes go crazy even if they look pretty solid. I guess it has to do with the new physics engine in UE5. Should we expect improvements on these issues in the near future? Thanks!
Hi, I have added a short guide which may be of some use to you. It seemed to improve stability in my project. I hope it helps.
Here is a direct link: RopePluginUE5 Setup Guide.pdf - Google Drive