Root motion enable not moving capsule

Sorry it’s a little bit difficult to understand your exact setup from what you have posted so forgive me if I am suggesting things you have already tried.

  • Is the sword skill animation in an actual Animation Montage, or is it an animation asset?
  • If you turn on Root Motion from everything in the Animation Blueprint does it work?
  • When you Show->Process Root Motion in the animation tab does it move off the spot
  • You have enabled Root Motion check box in the animation tab as well as the Anim Blueprint tab?

There is fairly comprehensive documentation on root motion if you haven’t checked it out.

I am currently working with Root Motion in 4.15 myself without issues so it seems unlikely that it is an engine side bug. Hopefully something here helps otherwise post some more info if possible.

hello,i have a problem in my root motion animation,
First my swordskill animation(root motion enable) is in my locomotion,
and my rootmotion setting in locomotion is root motion from Montages only
However,my capsule doesn’t move with my character is it bug or my setting problem?


thanks for your reply,

1)my sword skill animation is an animation asset and it is in locomotion
2)i turn on root motion from everything and it not work
3)it move off the spot in animation tab but not move off the spot in animation blueprint tab
4)i have enabled root motion check box in the animation tab but i couldn’t find the root motion check box in Anim Blueprint tab,can you tell me where it is?

i have checked out the documentation before and i still cannot fix it :frowning:

yes it moves



when it is root motion from montages only it moved but return after one second




i want it stay in where it moved :frowning:

Is it possible to provide a copy of your project otherwise I’ll break it down step by step.

Starting with if you open the Sword Skill animation and go to the top of the Viewport, click on Show, then Select Process Root Motion does the character move off their root position?

Ok great! When you say that the asset is in locomotion, I am assuming that you are refering to a state machine within the Anim Graph. If you plug it directly into the Final Animation Pose and turn on Process Root Motion in the viewport of the animation graph, then compile does it process properly and move off the root?

Also I apologise for not speaking clearly before the Animation Blueprint does not have a check box but a drop down but I think you said you have already set that.

If you have root motion from everything set and it plugged into the final animation pose so it overrides all your other animation behaviour. If you play the game in the main editor just to let it keep playing the animation on repeat does it move the capsule as you want it?

when it is root motion from everything it don’t even move



and it play like this

■■■■, well from what I can tell your animations are right but without looking at the files myself I can’t see what’s wrong with your setup.

Hopefully somebody else will come across this thread and notice something that I’ve missed, or if you are able to upload the relevant parts of your project somewhere I’d be happy to have a look for you.

or maybe i should make a video of my blueprints?

This is intended behaviour. Go to your Animation Asset and go to Show-> Process RootMotion and see if your character starts to move.
If it does not, your RootMotion is wrong.
Are you sure your Animation has correct RootMotion?

Is the Root Motion Enabled for Everything? Maybe you changed it for the Preview only and not for the actual AnimBP?

yes in the Show-> Process RootMotion of animation asset it moves,keep going and not return the original location

but after root motion enabled for everything,the character won’t move its location with the animation and it cannot even move(now is root motion from montages)

which should i send you?the blueprints and animation?

In the content browser right-click on your animation blueprint, go to Asset Actions, Migrate. This will automatically grab any referenced assets (animations, models, etc) Put it somewhere on your computer it will give you a warning saying that “it is not a game content folder are you sure you want to put it here?” Just click yes. Then compress it and either upload it somewhere and send me the link or email me the files directly if it’s not too big.

I have actually just made a pretty elaborate blueprint to fix what seems to be the exact same issue you are having. I am using mixamo anims and they currently seem to have no usable root motion. I convert the distance change in the hips socket during PIE to acceleration data(kinda) with a timeline and float array, then apply it to ‘movement input’ while the non-moving animation plays. I have a bool branch that disables the rest of my movement input while the anim plays and I control the overall distance the animation moves across by setting the ‘max walk speed’ target from movement component. So far, it seems to work exactly as root motion should, even with some added control. I will add some screen shots soon so anyone can try it out.