Root motion animation flinging my character.

Hi! I am a bit new to unreal and i am trying to make a styilised soulslike. i have a roll and whenever i play it it fling my character like this:

Can anyone help?

Please i need this for my game


Hi, Razor, you need to show your blueprints so you can be helped.

Here is the logic for playing my montage
And here is my animation blueprint, i don’t reaaly have too many animations right now.
And finaly my root motion setings. Thanks for the support! :wink:

I think i foyund the problem. when the animation is played, the velocity of my character is massive. look:


Razor, you need to reply directly to the poster, otherwise no notification will be given.

Okay, to me, it seems like you are complicating this.

The only thing you need is for your character to roll when you press a command.

So, it’ll be easier if you do this step by step and start over.

Please show a video of you pressing the command and the character playing only the roll animation.

@Leomerya12 I have made the blueprint to activate simpler:

But the Character still goes really fast in the animation.

Okay, this helps us narrow down the issue.

(Oh, and just so you know, “Play_Anim_Montage”, does not wait until the animation completes. So you need to add a “Delay” that is the length of your animation, otherwise the “Do_Once” will constantly instantly be reset)

Can you show the animation’s details? (By opening the animation and showing what the animation is supposed to look like. Along with the hierarchy).

@Leomerya12 I added a delay:

Here is the animation settings.

I need to see the animation. How it relates to the root bone.

@Leomerya12 Here is the animaton, the scale has now broken.

Please look at this post again (I need to see what I’m showing you):

Is this better?


Yes, better.

I could be wrong, but I’m not seeing any frames in the animation window.

So can you provide a video of the animation playing with the exposed bone hierarchy in the animator window?

The fact that the animation seems to start with the character upside-down is not a good sign.

@Leomerya12 My animation looks broken. idk how to fix:

Okay, before you can do anything, you need a working animation.

So, if I were you, just to make sure that I’m not doing anything wrong and that it is the fault of the animation, I would:

  1. Take the default mannequin
  2. See if you can get it to perform simple animation (make sure that whatever animation you use is COMPATIBLE with the mannequin)

If you can, then it is likely the fault of your animation, and you need new ones.

To me, your animation is clearly broken, so you’re never going to be able to solve your problem without a proper set of animations.

Good luck.

ok, i can’t test the maniquin right now, but I can tel you that i have made all the animations myself and the work fine in blender: