Rolling ball : make an AI rolling ball move to a certain position or to follow another rolling ball

Hi, I’m following this tutorial (Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Basic AI Navigation - YouTube) and I’m unable to make an AI rolling ball move to a target point or to follow player character (another ball) like they do in the tutorial in a 3rd person gamemod , any one can help please?
Thank you !

forgot to add screenshots :
navmesh :

level blueprint :

the ball i’m trying to give AI :

Any one can help me please? I believe it has to do something with the ball (since the ground under it isn’t green) but idk what to do :confused:

It seems your ball is affecting navmesh, and it doesn’t sound like it’s what you need. Just go to your ball BP, select static mesh component and tick of Can Ever Affect Navigation. This should do it :slight_smile:



can’t find it :confused: can you be please more precise? i’m new to ue4 …

found it (can affect navigation) , but still have the same problem :confused:

Movement or affecting navmesh problem? Screenshots always help. Or a repro project.

Screenshot of what please? I’ve uploaded several screenshots, and what is repro project? I export my project and upload it here?

I am having the same problem. I followed some AI tutorials, but the enemy AI ball never seems to want to move. I followed your tip and unchecked the Can Ever Effect Navigation and that seemed to fix the navmesh problem, but the Enemy AI ball still won’t move. Everything is straight from the template. In my enemy blueprint attached, when running the project, the OnSeePawn even triggers everything right, just no movement.