Roguelike Multiplayer Template

And now that 4.16 is out, will that become supported?

I think that support is a long time gone for this template.


yes! 4.17!


thank you!it is nice to see updates! :slight_smile:

Hi, I bought your pack, but can’t figure out how to add your weapons… could you record a short video about this?

Sorry I’m sorry I made a video, so please take a look first! I will make it again if I do not understand

Thank you very much. I think we would be very pleased to see the new lessons. In particular the lesson of the animation (when holding swords one animation) and when magic and fist - another animation of character.

Can you do this?

And yet, how to adapt the multiplayer under the steam?

To adapt with Steam, please integrate UE 4 with Steamworks. It is better to connect the connection method later using the online subsystem session instead of the IP address. I will show you how to integrate with my blog.



How about changing the animation? For example, when a hero fights with his fists that one animation, but a sword - the other?

All the answers you want to know are here.
Multiplayer Game in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

The project of the product which I made actually based on a rogue-like template was released.

Hey Guys.
I added a sample.


Hey Guys.
I made a document.
Please use this as a reference when deciphering or customizing.

Hey Guys.

Thanks to the people who bought it. The price has been reduced from $ 29 to $ 19.
If you haven’t touched it yet, why not make a multiplayer game on this occasion?


I want to buy this template, but I don’t know this has support android or IOS platform?any one know?

Yes,Because it is made only by blueprint, it can be used on mobile.
