Hi @nullponull
Please translate some things in procedural dungeon constructor.
I hate google translator 。◕_ ◕。
And how can I using it outside of a procedural environment (procedural dungeon). ie. In a simple map using my own botcharacters?
**ツ **
Hi @nullponull
Please translate some things in procedural dungeon constructor.
I hate google translator 。◕_ ◕。
And how can I using it outside of a procedural environment (procedural dungeon). ie. In a simple map using my own botcharacters?
**ツ **
Hi , do you mind elaborating what you mean by procedural dungeon constructor? If possible can you also attach a screenshot to clarify it?
Hi, is there there any way that AI attacks AI and dont attack player (like a friend bot) ?
Thanks you
Unfortunately such functionality does not come natively with this package however, you are able to achieve the intended effect of an AI ally through making a new character that has both the attributes of an enemy class and a player class.*
We have a team which provides support and quick responses to those who have purchased our product in both English and Japanese.
So please feel free to ask any questions if you’re troubled with our product.
AWESOME!! Purchased and looking forward to more documentation notes
Everyone, feel free to question!
Hi Guys.
Ver4.11 Update!!
Hi Guys.
Ver4.12 Update!!
Is this package only for client toclient multiplayer? Or can I use this package for dedicated persistence servers? I’m looking for a package where players can loot items such as clothing and furniture from procedural dungeons. The loot then can be used to decorate their personal rooms (instance) and put on clothing. Is this the right package to build uppon?
Yes you can use it with dedicated server, but you have to change some multiplayer function to make it work in the same way as it was intended to work for peer to peer.
I think it is a good way to start learn about Unreal Networking.
Hello, I recently bought it and have been trying to test the multiplayer but whenever the 2nd player tries to join first player, the editor crashes and I get “TravelFailure: Reason for failure: Invalid URL”. This is happening on 4.11. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks.
Edit: Also, what do I need to change in order for the enemy to attack my own player character? I have my own pawn and I want the enemy to attack him, thanks.
Hi guys,
I just want to use this post for creating a short q&a about this networking market asset, from questions I received by mail:
Q: What IP do I need to put into the open level blueprint node inside level blueprint?
A: Please put your local IP of the computer and not the global IP It should start like 192.168
And by the way, this market asset is on sale.
at the moment
Hi guys,
How are you?
My Networking RogueLike Asset is now 20% off on the marketplace.
Is package only for playing on-lan, or i can play online too.
On-lan works perfect but i couldnt play online.
And please also check port forwarding from unreal engine.
As my book about networking is released today in Japan on Amazon, Bookstore and also on Kindle, 。。。
I put my asset on sale For the next 2 weeks.
You will find a lot of interesting stuff related to the online framework of Unreal Engine which is also used in my market asset.
Unfortunately the book is only in Japanese for Now.
Hi!I love what I see!Finally, I might be able to do my dream game!Before I purchase this starter kit I wish to ask if:
Yes, it corresponds to a mobile and co-op.
But it’s necessary to make a server list originally.
is there any update coming for 4.15?