Open the AI Controller and select AIPerception and in the Sight section you can reduce the Sight Radius to whatever you like.
Look for “Event Any Damage” in the “BP_NPC_Rodent_Base” Blueprint in the “ParentClassBlueprints” Folder.
And on the Damage dealing side of things, look at the “ThirdPersonProjectile” Blueprint found in the (ThirdPersonBP> Blueprints) folder. In the event graph look for OnComponentHit.
Open the “BTTask_Rodent_Random_MaxWalkSpeed” Task. It’s in the “ParentClassBlueprints” Folder. The “Tasks” sub folder
You said, “You need to open the Rodents demo level, then when there, right click on the Rodents Folder and select Migrate, then select Ok, then select your games content folder and then click “Select Folder” now the Rodents folder will be in your games content folder.”
I’m not seeing a Demo level, unless you mean the Overview Level, which is the default level that opens when UE4 starts. I’ve tried several times using the Overview level. The Rodents folder shows up in Explorer, but doesn’t show up in the Content Folder in UE4.
Yes I mean the overview level.
This is what it should look like when you open the overview level.In the lower left. The Rodents folder, that’s the folder you want to migrate.
tried migrating the Rodents folder to 2 different projects. In both, the folder showed up on my c: drive, but not in the Content window in Unreal. Oh well…
Some time later, I saw your comment and thought, “Ok, I’ll work on that later.” When I went back to it, the Rodent folder showed up in Unreal!
You’re a genius! I don’t know what you did, or how you did it (juju? the force?) but thanks! It’s working now.
Love the package you have here. Perfect for the project I have in mind for it. Any how, I have an issue if I may be kind to ask for assistance with. I had placed the Animals and Path nodes with the NavModifier on the landscape. My question now is, how do I get them to travel from one to another? So far, the only thing they will do is sleep, sit or stand. I can walk up to them and they will jump or run one step then stop. What am I doing wrong here?
when i replace the AIMoveTo with Move To Location Or Actor inside the behaviour tree task, the AI either does not move, or does not execute next behaviour tree tasks. how can we make it work?
It does not work on the “Run Away From Enemy” BT Task
I need to use pathfinding, with the AIMoveTO, the rodents just get stuck in one place when they run into walls, appearing absolutely dead and “dumb”. Also i noticed one thing, the MoveToActorOrLocation works perfectly in the BT TASK MoveToEnemyLocation, but does not work in RunAwayFromEnemyLocation. All i need is for it to work in RunAwayFromEnemyLocation and everything is good.
No i dont want them to be selective about their retreat locations, i just want them to avoid and move away from any blocking paths that come on their way. Basic pathfinding, thats it
**Comments copied from the listing page questions section.
Try this, I think it will give you the functionality that you are looking for-
Open the BehaviorTree and disconect the two nodes in the image. Now when the animal sees an enemy they will not run away from the enemy but instead run to a random area not here. this will use pathfinding. Unfortunatly blind pathfinding dosnt exist, you can not pathfind without having a location to path to. If you want a more selective retreat location look into the EQS system (Environment Query System). You may also want to increase their turn speed in the character blueprint. let me know if this works better in your situation.
Here is an image to make it more clear. Open the behavior tree for the animal you wish to adjust. Then zoom out- and you will see this image, just disconnect the nodes in the image.
Ok, if the Rodents are not moving around its because they have no navigation information. You need to add a navmesh volume and build navigation. just like in the demo level.
In the viewport in the upper left click on “Show” and check the navigation check box. You should now see Green navmesh on the ground, if you don’t then you need to add a navmesh volume to your level and click the Build button. This may also be whats giving you issues with Birds.
When you hit simulate do the Rodents just stand still? There must be some little thing being over looked here. please explain to me how you added the Rodents to your level. I need more information or I’m just guessing in the dark.