Rocket Racing island - Unable to drive under terrain in Private Test Code


I am working on a Rocket Racing competitive race map and I’ve encountered an issue. I have 2 sections on my track that cut through a mountain side and go through short tunnels. This works as expected in my Live Edit session when I launch from UEFN.

However, once I publish a Private Test Code (3848-4265-8790) and load into the 60hz servers, my vehicle cannot enter the tunnels anymore. My vehicle is placed on top of the mountain directly above the track but then I get the “Return To Track” countdown which respawns me.

When I respawn, I’m on the track inside the mountain but upon entering any inputs to move the vehicle, I am teleported to the top of the terrain again and, again, prompted with the “Return To Race” countdown timer.

I used Landscape Mode to create a hole in the terrain with the Visibility Tool. I also added a Fort Underground Volume overlapping with this terrain but unfortunately this only works in Live Edit and not in Private Test Codes

This is preventing me from publishing this island as I’m sure this issue will persist in a Public Code if its evident in a Private Test Code (3848-4265-8790)

You can see it for yourself with this Video Example

Thanks for looking into this bug.

Hi Cruz,

Great report, but you’ll want to post it as a ‘New Issue’ in the Issues and bug reporting section. (Add screenshot as a second post since the ‘New Issue’ form does not have upload functionality)