I created a map with multiple checkpoints that have Teleport enabled, after entering the checkpoint my car is teleported to the next checkpoint, but 2-3 seconds after teleportation you cannot control your car (all inputs turn off) this happens both on keyboard and controller. Car basically shuts off, partial fix is manually respawning the car but sometimes I get respawned on the track leading into the checkpoint with the teleport and this leads me into a loop.
This problem looks like something after the last update, I had multiple maps posted and working fine. Right now all of them are having the same problem → losing inputs for streering and adding gas for the car AFTER using checkpoint with teleport enabled. Interestingly enough you can still use boost (if you have any) but other controls dont work.
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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Create two tracks, one track will have a checkpoint with teleport enabled at the end. Checkpoint with teleport will then teleport car to the next track with the second checkpoint. Map has to be Published or atleast Private code! When testing the map in UEFN session it works normally!
Expected Result
After getting teleported you can continue driving without any problems.
Observed Result
After getting teleported you lose input in keyboard/controller after 2-3 seconds of driving.
Only tested on PC
Island Code
Additional Notes
I have the right setup for splines and I dont see the ´Wrong way´ message after teleporting. Juts losing all input for no reason.