Rocket race track duplicates or disappears on playtests but not in UEFN editor

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


After editing the Rocket Racing track in UEFN and uploading the track will duplicate the sections edited on top of previous version or the whole track will disappear.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. create a decent looped circuit track
  2. save track
  3. upload to play test
  4. edit track in some way, move it or change the style of the track and upload to playtest
  5. play upload

Expected Result

the track should be where you moved or edited it

Observed Result

the edited track will duplicate in the playtest and both the previous position and the edited or changed position will show up



Additional Notes

when loading in the world. The player will fly for a sec then be eliminated and respawn in the car

if you press rebuild track it fixes the issue

I am experiencing the same issue. Been trying over and over again. Glad to find I’m not the only one

The status of FORT-740082 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

rebuild is not fixing the issue for me

the “rebuild track” button is VERY inconsistent with whether it fixes it or not. more often than not, it seems to not, unfortunately.

ps rebuild also does not fix it for me on multiple tracks

(post deleted by author)

Same problem for me here, impossible to work on my map…
The “Rebuild track” button does not solve the problem.