Rock Bottom Demo


I just wanted to share my demo game: Rock Bottom.

I made this demo to try to find a job in the gaming industry.

Any constructive criticism is very welcome. People working in the industry, if you have advices on ways to get a job with a demo or making my demo better for an employer, please share!

Thank you and have a good day.


Hi there @petitbreton,

Hope you’re doing well and having a terrific week so far :slight_smile:

Had to rewatch this video a few times to see all the detail included. From zip lining to balancing on a beam to wall climbing, an insane amount of skill and passion has gone into this demo’s creation. Especially when factoring in the lighting and animation.

Thanks so much for sharing and I hope to see more of your work :smiley:

Hey @petitbreton !

I must say I love the haunting chill that this demo brings. It gives me multiple vibes from different games. It certainly does make me very curious and I want to know more. How did the man get there? Where is everyoe? More and more questions arise and it’s an exciting experience.

I hope we can see more of your work and wish you well in your search for your passion job! :star_struck:


thanks a lot for the nice comments, I really appreciate it.

I wanted to share a little breakdown of how I made this demo.

The character

I used photogrammetry to make a 3D model of my head. I then used mesh to metahuman to create the character.

The suit is from the marketplace: Character Diver
I had to edit the model a bit to make the suit, the diving tank and the helmet separate skeletal mesh. I also tweaked the helmet model a bit.

The facial animation is from the City Sample Crowds pack.

The sweater is from the same pack. I also edited the model to remove the unnecessary parts like the sleeves to prevent interpenetration with the suit.

The animation

I used Interaction with ALS, an updated version of Advanced Locomotion System V4
It’s packed with features but many of them are not completely functional and there is not much documentation. Still, it’s an incredible work and I think it’s the most advanced locomotion system you can find for a third person game.

I added and modified a few things to suit my needs. For example I added a camera head bob from a BP I found in Western Desert Town. I also created the logic for the “follow tunnel” when crouching or crawling.

The menu

I used Ezitna Kit System (Main Menu, Option, Chat, Inventory, Light, Ping, Name & Door)

It’s a really well done system. Easy to integrate and everything is done in a pretty consistent way. So once you get the hang of it, everything works pretty well and it’s easy to modify to suit your needs. I had to add a few things for my project like a camera head bob scale setting because it gives certain players motion sickness.

This menu system is fully mouse / keyboard and gamepad compatible.

It also adds the input key bindings based on a widget Option menu that’s pretty neat.

The models

I modeled and textured a few little things I couldn’t find, but the majority of the models are from Quixel Bridge and a variety of marketplace packs I mostly got for free over the years, thanks to Epic “free content for the month”:

Old West Learning
Engine Hall
Wild West City - Wild West Town - Wild West Sky City - Town
Automatic Coral Generator
Fantasy Cave Environment Set
Western Desert Town
Cave Constructor
Modular Industrial Area
Luos’s FREE Modular Caves/Rocks mini Package
Dungeon Lamps

The weather system

I used Ultra Dynamic Sky

I used FluidNinja LIVE for the torch. I took a few things from Blueprints too, like the fog sheets.


I used Footsteps Sounds with Blueprint Setup and various sound from


I used Property Transfer Tool to transfer variables and functions.
I also used Async Loading Screen to be able to have a functional loading screen. From what I read, it’s pretty much the only easy way to load a level without having a frozen loading screen. This plugin allows the loading screen to run while loading the level and has an animated throbber to let the player know the game hasn’t crashed.
I used World Partition to stream the map content.

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This looks really good! The visuals, the audio, the traversal, and inventory all work together in harmony.

There is a very big color change at 5:35, and a bigger change at 6:37! I like this evolving color. But prior to the torch, I felt that there was too little color. Maybe add a few lights in the snow?

The hook landing animation stops the avatar’s forward momentum, maybe have the avatar step through that?

I’m very curious to see more!