Rising Lava Floor Broken now, not working. Collision Presets and Collision Issue. Movie Sequence Device / Rising Floor / Floor Rises Through Player and leaves player underneath map.

This is for Rising lava floor coming out of the ground.
Static Mesh Floor Sequence Animation I made makes Lava floor rise out of the ground
Player must jump or be moving to land on the animated rising floor. If idle, player falls underneath. Is there a collision setting i am missing? I have tried adding a blocking volume below the animated rising floor, I have tried the prop mover, everything is the same. seems to be a Character collision issue. Anybody know how to modify the character collision presets?
Any ideas sincerely appreciated
CCD (Continuous Collision Detection) On
Collision Preset : trigger
How do i make it so the collision of a rising floor comes through the ground and the floor rising picks up my character. I have tried ALL OF THE COLLISION PRESETS. None of them working. I have a floor rising, as an animation, and it picks up my character when I am moving, running, jumping, but DOES NOT WORK when my players is IDLE AND STANDING STILL.

Collision Presets and Collision Issue. Movie Sequence Device / Rising Floor / Floor Rises Through Player and leaves player underneath map.

Here is what I researched so far Nothing here has worked when applying these collision presets to my lava mesh that is animated sequence to rise out of the ground where my players is not picked up if standing idle, only works when player jumps onto the static mesh lava.

|BlockAllDynamic|WorldDynamic object that blocks all actors by default. All new custom channels will use its own default response.|
|OverlapAllDynamic|WorldDynamic object that overlaps all actors by default. All new custom channels will use its own default response.|
OverlapOnlyPawn WorldDynamic object that overlaps Pawn, Camera, and Vehicle. All other channels will be set to default.
PhysicsActor Simulating actors.

Object Type These are arbitrary, but should be set in accordance to what the Physics Body will be doing.
Property Description

WorldStatic This should be used for any Actor that doesn’t move. Static Mesh Actors are a good example of an Actor that will probably have a WorldStatic type.

@PledgedRanger Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative