RInterp for actor rotation?

Hello, I want my character’s body to rotate when the head is looking left or right too much, it works perfectly when i’m not using interp, but when I’m not it does this :

So it basically is weirdly shaking and its not doing the full rotation

Here is the current BP :

What is wrong here ? Thanks in advance

Hey @EarthCK!

So the issue here is that you’re doing a bunch of interps one after the other, so they’re overlapping. Is there a reason you need to RInterpto here? What happens when you DON’T use it?

When is this being called? Is this on the player’s camera rotation, is it on tick?

A few more details and this should be sortable! :slight_smile:

So Im using Rinterp to have a smooth rotation (that will be paired with a turn in place animation), not just 90 degrees in one frame

the function is called on event bp update animation (so basically on tick)

edit : This is happening without the interp

Ah, I see.

Can you show the code without the RInterpTo? Are you just taking out the whole branch 0 of the Sequence or are you running the rotation directly into the SetActorRotation node?


i’m just using this rotator instead of using the interp

So interpolations on an update tick are always going to have overlap issues when they’re being repeatedly called, unless one gets gated off until it finishes, but then that would be a whole other issue where you wouldn’t turn enough.

I did find this tutorial with a similar use case, it is in third person for visuals’ sake BUT it is applicable here. It’s mostly done in the character, and then the ABP updates from character use.

Disclaimer: This link is not affiliated with Epic Games, Unreal Engine, or their partners.

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I found out that using a rootmotion would be way better and way less hard that trying to sync the rotation and the animation

(I figured that out using a timeline inside my char bp)

even if I fell into another problem (How to use an animation rotation as the character rotation) lmao, i’m getting closer to what i’m trying to achieve.

Thanks a lot anyway, ill mark your answer as solution if that can be helpful, good day to you

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