Hello. I’m trying to simulate tail physics using the rigidbody node in world space so that it can interact with other things in the environment. However, when scaling up the mesh, the scale of the simulated tail stays the same, so it’s smaller to the rest of the body, as seen below.
More info on the problem: when the skeletal mesh is put directly into the scene it works fine, but as soon as the animation blueprint is chosen the issue comes back
So, you’re probrably right on the rigidbody node being the culprit, but I can’t find the setting for scale parameters anywhere in the node, I only found the scales for passing world space motion to local space motion, like Component Linear Vel Scale.
Also, I think what you meant by skeleton setting is the retargeting options? If so, I set all the bones to AnimationScaled but sadly still no results.
Can I have the specific name of the mesh scaling rigidbody node setting that you are talking about?
I guess you are correct in that the RigidBody does not have a hidden pin for the bone setup (where scale would logically be), because it just uses the PHAT asset.
Could you possible have messed something up inside your PHAT asset?
IF not, Try calling a ResetDynamics on the mesh Anim Instance whenever after the scaling.
IF both fail, file a bug.
Switch to an Anim Dynamics node. See if that helps.
The difference is you have to manually set up the chain and it’s constraints within the node.
To pass your own scale (which by the way is insane. you should not need to)
You have to resort to a FABRIK or IK node of some sort.
Oh, and ofc, you can always ModifyBone to apply the scaling BEFORE the rigid body node.
Insane as it may be?
Welp, after hours of searching for an answer, turns out the actual culprit is the lizard model itself. I set the UE4 mannequin’s right arm to rigidbody and there was no issue.
Thanks for helping anyway, I will find if there is anything I did wrong with the lizard model or its animations
I know is a old thread but i had the same problem and i used this solution.
After the rigid body node, use another Transform Bone node and send the bone scale manually.
Hope this will help others that are struggling with this
There’s still a visible offset between where the tail bone should be and where it is, so these calculations are still off, but I can’t be bothered to figure out exactly how to get the bone in the correct position.
By making a virtual bone on the root for the tail with the incorrect offset, I was able to do this with perfect results, No need to use the modify bone node:
Hey ^^
I also get this issue but I can’t fix with Animation BP, The best way I found is to call UActorComponent::RecreatePhysicsState() on the mesh of my character in C++ at every scale changes.