Ribbon particles glitch when origin is moving too fast

hey, so i’ve been having this big issue for months now and i have no idea how to fix that.

so in my game project the player drives a spaceship and i want to add a trail behind it from the reactors or the wings.
i want to see it like a curve attached to the ship that bends when turning ect.
note: the ship moves pretty fast, between 2000 and 10 000 units per second and i’m mainly using physics for the movement.

So the first thing i tried was using particles with the ribbon data. (this is where the pain starts) the issue i have is that the higher the speed of the ship the more the particles origin seems to move backwards, so instead of having the trail coming from the reactor it starts way behind it and the gap inscreases with the speed of my ship which is not what i want. the particles near the front often flicker when i’m going fast.

i tried a ton of different options and settings, spawning a lot more particles didnt reduce the gap at all, local space wont give me a proper bend when turning and i double checked the “color over life” setting so it doesnt hide particles at the start.

here is a picture of the trail behind the spaceship when moving at an average speed:


another solution i’m expirementing on right now is using the ragdoll of a 3d model with the shape of the trail so it doesnt detach from the ship but it’s also very glitchy and a little too much for my computer to add on every ship in the game. i hope there s a way to fix this with particles, maybe there s a setting i fogot to enable, i just want a god ■■■■ trail to form behind my ship lol

Hello, I have literary same issue. It happens to me also when I shoot a projectile which has a ribbon trail on it, the trail starts like 1 or 2 meters away from the gun from which it has been shot. If anyone knows a solution for this I would highly appreciate it.

Anyway I found like middle way, which kinda works, but creates a new issue. So if you remove your spawn per point module and replace it with just a regular constant spawn. That should keep the trail emitting from where you wish. But then there is the issue that it never ends and the only way how to get something like a phade in or phade out effect for example when you are slowing down till you turn off the engines, is with a help of some parameters, and code.

Hope this helps you a bit, and that someone else will come out with a proper solution for this issue.

The reason apparently is in the time the spaceship updates it’s position, if it’s occuring in the end of the frame, there is an onlyest viable option (at least for me) - use niagara particle system, and when adding it inside of your blueprint/level u just need to select niagaratickbehavior ->forceticklast menu item, hope this will help

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The reason apparently is in the time the spaceship updates it’s position, if it’s occuring in the end of the frame, there is an onlyest viable option (at least for me) - use niagara particle system, and when adding it inside of your blueprint/level u just need to select niagaratickbehavior ->forceticklast menu item, hope this will help

a bit late, but I just came across the same issue: In my case, adding the Niagara system as a component of my object and parenting it to the static mesh did the trick.

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Strange, I have the exact setup you mentionned, and still got the glitch:


Any of these settings didn’t help either:

Hey !

Maybe this video can help


Just found this thread, and it seems like no solution on its own is sufficient.

However, using the solution in the above video AND setting tick behavior to “Force Tick Last” worked for me.

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I used Spawn Per Unit and set the Spawn Spacing only as low as necessary to avoid the jittering. Max Movement Threshold can help you avoid spawning a zillion particles if whatever the ribbon is attached to suddenly jumps to a higher speed for whatever reason.