Ribbon particle inherits parent velocity even when the module is not included

Not sure if this is actually a bug or if it’s intended but the ribbon particle appears to inherit parent velocity when I’m not including the module in its emitter.

To test this you can create a ribbon particle emitter in the VR template project, create a particle emitter component as a child of the motion controller blueprint. Then when the player uses the teleport you can see the ribbon shoot out in front of you.

Ribbon particles will still scale relative to the parent velocity. What you might be seeing is the ribbon particles scaling very large after the teleportation giving the appearance of inherited velocity. I’ve tested this by teleporting a cube with the ribbon emitter attached and observed the behavior with inherit velocity on and off. There is a definite difference however, this seems to be scaling issue.

This scale stretching is occurring since the particle emitter is still reading the teleportation as movement so the further you teleport the more it will scale. You can disable the particle system during the moment of teleporting or
you can significantly reduce this stretching by enabling “Tangent Recalculation every frame” in the ribbon module.

Let me know if that helps,

Enabling “Tangent Recalculation every frame” does seem to ameliorate this issue quite a bit, .

The tangent recalculating every frame solves it. Much thanksies!