Revit plugin survey

Great news, look forward to giving it a go!

This is fantastic news! Thank you to all of you there at epic you guys do fantastic work! Truly incredible what we are able to make with unreal and I personally am looking forward to testing the Revit plugin!

Great news, looking forward to it!!

Any updates on this? I filled up the survey as well but did not get to preview it. Would really save us time if we could assess it as a viable option. Could I get a preview of it as well please? Thanks.

good job in this update!

A couple legal check and we’re good to go…

=8-O It’s like December 24th!!!

can’t wait!! :smiley:

I’m excited and worried at the same time. Strictly coming from an Arch-viz point of view.

It’s the same reaction I had when the dumb down version of Vray came out for Revit. More and more Architects will produce quick and lazy content instead of properly using rendering studios who know what they are doing and trained at this stuff for years. When it comes to the arch-viz community, the idea of architects skipping out on them is not a good thing. Just means we’re going to see more content lacking in quality simply because architects saying “No, its cool, we got this”

Just my initial reaction and I could be of course 100 percent wrong.

I don’t think you should look at it that way. Unreal Engine is far from being easy to use… it’s not Vray.

Anyone could try using it but without spending hundreds of hours testings things and improving you will not get to a decent point. A real time rendering engine is way less forgiving then an image, not to mention VR.

You don’t have to worry, just do the best you can to improve your work and you’ll be rewarded. It’s that easy.


Most imagery needed in the architectural process is actually “in-process” imagery, where photo-realism is less important, but understanding of form/structure/function is important.

Have I missed the release of the Beta for this or are we waiting for the release still?

Still waiting, legal stuff is always such a touchy subject… I wouldn’t be surprised to wait for another week or two :))

It’s in Legal, still waiting. Hard to predict ETA.

is there any news about the Revit plugin? :slight_smile:

Out of Legal and is supposed to be in your hands within days. Sorry for the delay.

I don’t think you should look at it that way. Unreal Engine is far from being easy to use… it’s not Vray.

Anyone could try using it but without spending hundreds of hours testings things and improving you will not get to a decent point. A real time rendering engine is way less forgiving then an image, not to mention VR.

You don’t have to worry, just do the best you can to improve your work and you’ll be rewarded. It’s that easy.



This is good to hear.

Totally understand things that don’t get out the door when expected, but we greatly appreciate you guys keeping us in the loop. Shows how much you guys care about our participation and feedback which makes us excited to test things out for you :slight_smile: Keep up the good work, super excited to try this out!

Brilliant! Thanks to keeping us informed.

If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any plans to at least discuss the technicalities of this plugin at ExCel in London next month?

I’d like to know who’d be the best person to talk to about it as I’ll be there on the 11th and 12 of Dec.

Kind regards,

Yeah I was kinda wondering this also, thinking about the training side of things as I am a relative beginner, any training focused around the revit side of it would be greatly suited!