Retrieving the result from Latent Actions in MoveComponentTo


I’m trying to move my character to a location and have it change state when it reaches that location.

void AFighter::PerformMovement(FVector _TargetLocation)
	FLatentActionInfo LatentActionInfo;
	LatentActionInfo.CallbackTarget = this;
	UKismetSystemLibrary::MoveComponentTo(GetRootComponent(), _TargetLocation, FRotator::ZeroRotator, false, false, 2.0f, 0, EMoveComponentAction::Move, LatentActionInfo);

In the blueprint node, there’s an execution branch for when the movement is “completed”.

However, I work in C++ and I can’t see something similar within the Kismet library.

I guess I can set-up a timer that’ll check every frame if the character has reached the location but I was hoping there was a built-in way to know for sure when the latent function is completed.

I would like to know if this exists.

Thank you,