I have an OnDeath function within my character class where I am handling dying.
void AFPSCharacter::OnDeath(AController* Killer, AActor* DamageCauser)
// Destroy the character after x seconds
// Get the player controller
APlayerController* playerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
if (playerController)
// IMPORTANT: We don't actually want to do this until after current pawn is destroyed
// or it's going to restart the player and then destroy the new pawn
// Tell the server to restart the player
I am calling SetLifeSpan to destroy the characters corpse after 5 seconds.
However, I don’t want ServerRestartPlayer to be called until his corpse is actually destroyed.
I have tried overloading OnDestroyed within AFPSCharacter, but at that point I no longer have a reference to the playerController to call ServerRestartPlayer.
Yeah so I tried overriding BeginDestroy() and am getting odd results. I set a breakpoint at the Super::BeginDestroy() line and it doesn’t hit that for a long while after the corpse has already been destroyed (like 25 or so seconds). And even when it does hit the function it doesn’t seem to have the player controller there either.
virtual void BeginDestroy() override;
void AFPSCharacter::BeginDestroy()
// Get the player controller
APlayerController* playerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
if (playerController)
// Tell the server to restart the player
void AFPSCharacter::LifeSpanExpired()
// Get the player controller
APlayerController* playerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
if (playerController)
// Tell the server to restart the player