Hello guys,
I’m new to Unreal and I followed a tutorial to create a simple respawn system
The issue is that the player reappears at the last place of the collision box that he crossed
I want the player to always respawn in the same place (in the middle of the collision box, not on the sides)
I would appreciate any help, thank you 
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needs to be ‘get world transform’ of the box component.
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I’ve done it but sorry noob question again, how i can link my node to my character?
What you have there should work, no?
Unfortunately no, I think it’s because “As MH Cooper” is not linked
I’m a bit confused. What are you trying to do?
When the player overlaps a box, they get destroyed? But where are they supposed to respawn?
Sorry my english is bad and I explained badly 
This is the box of my respawn system, if the player passes to the left he reappears on the left, if he passes to the right he reappears on the right
I would like the character to always reappear in the middle of the box, and not on the sides
So he just walks through the box? Why respawn?
The character is not destroyed when he crosses the box, he reappears at the location of the box only when he falls and dies
It’s just a checkpoint
Then what I gave you should work
What happens?
Remove this
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I removed it but it doesn’t work, the camera reappears in the middle of the map without my character unfortunately 
I think it need a node here but I can’t connect :
Spawn transform is the location of the box, that’s what we have calculated. You don’t need a connection there 
Is this definitely called?
Have you tried a print string here?
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Right, I think you have other code that I’m not seeing…
Uptade: The error disappears when I remove the last respawn node, but it still doesn’t work
This is my full code in my GameMode but it’s only widgets and a timer, so I don’t think this is the issue
But does it print hello? ( when the player dies )
Then I have no idea. Sorry 
This is Matt Aspland’s tutorial that I followed, at 7min30 he explains the two possibilities for the respawn
No worries, thank you very much for taking the time to try to help me
I do not lose hope and I will manage to find the solution to the problem
Thanks again

I thought, maybe your overlap volume is half below the level. In which case

should help…
In fact, he also says at 7:30 about using the location of the box to spawn…
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