Hey, I’m trying to switch to Unreal after using Unity for quite a long time, but right now, I need some good learning resources that cover all of the topics regarding C++ and Blueprint and how all of the systems work together.
I’m really struggling with how sparse the resources are compared to Unity’s documentation and tutorials.
Typically you’ll learn only C++ or Blueprint in a given tutorial. But once you get a good hold on both you learn to make your own blueprint library of nodes using C++ and add them into a blueprint project.
I have heard good things about the Udemy course, though haven’t taken it myself to judge.
One thing I will say is that Unreal’s version of C++ is not quite normal C++; there are a ton of extra language features handled by a pre-processing tool called UHT (UnrealHeaderTool). They are usually somewhat obvious since they usually start with U—USTRUCT, UCLASS, UENUM, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION, etc.—but still…
If you’re starting out fresh in C++, I would maybe recommend looking for some “getting started in C++” course or tutorial as a very first step; you don’t need to dig deep, but with at least a grounding in the very basics of C++, you’ll have a foundation on which to build your understanding of Unreal’s mutant variant of the language.