Resource Gathering

Does anyone know how to go about this? I’d like to be able to have an item, such as an axe or pickaxe and farm wood from trees or mountain sides where it checks if you have enough skill to do so. You would click the item, and get an icon to click the tree or mountain. Then it would check to see if resources are available, and mine them out until they’re “gone”. Otherwise if they’ve been mined/cut recently (So on a respawn timer, or something to that effect.) it’ll display a message like “There’s currently no wood/ore available in this area.”

Later on I’d like to change the types of ore you get from locations too, just need some ideas how to go about this. If it’s also possible to do through blueprints, even if it might be difficult.

Any feedback is welcome, thanks!

Still gathering ideas for this

It is possible with blueprints and not hard at all.
First, you need to break your idea into smaller bite sized chunks and create each method procedurally.
If i were to guess, you want to press a key, trace to a mesh, if mesh is of type A then spawn BP_A in its world translation and destroy the mesh, then subsequent action keys pressed could trace for BP_A and perform functions such as adding resources to an inventory system/playing particle effects/animations. Simply giving the BP_A a quantity (int) variable and decrementing that var when the collect function is called on it should work. Creating a branch to check if quantity is below 1 before collecting is ideal, and you could insert a message that the resources have been expended if the branch fails.

Start simple, then complicate the idea as you like.

as DWGS said.

  1. Break it down.
  2. What do you need to create first?
  3. After that what comes next?

Thank you for the help, helped getting the gears turning.