Reskin Of Lyra Neighborhoods of Colombia

We are making a reskin of the Lyra of Unreal Engine, this environment is inspired by the neighborhoods of Colombia based on the market map of the souls of MW2. We do this project together with three people Andrea Banda, Nicolas Padilla and Daniel Úbeda. At the moment we have done the advanced blocking of how the area will be closed and what is the gameplay.

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Greetings, @DaniSaneyMNF1; I hope you and your team are doing well! Thank you for sharing your Neighborhoods of Colombia (MW2) Lyra Reskin project with us in the forums! I remember this map being one of the more challenging maps for me to win on during the beta. :smiling_face_with_tear:

The advanced blocking looks excellent; I’m looking forward to seeing how your project evolves! :grin:

We are finishing the modular houses and blueprints for the assembly of the houses in the environment, we have also advanced the modeling and textuing of some assets

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Thank you very much @Zezkaii we will continue to raise the advances every week, we hope to live up to the original map :yum:


The pleasure is all mine; I’m sure your team’s creation will live up to the original map and then some! :sunglasses: :+1:

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We continue moving forward with the first lighting pass, the central square, first pass of textures and variations. Some modifications in blueprints of the houses, advance in the street restaurant, some bass and more. I hope you like it



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Little by little, your neighborhood is coming to life! All the assets created so far, and the lighting looks great. Keep up the great work! :sunglasses: :+1:

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We have been mounting the modular sidewalk, we have also given it the first pass with vertex paint in the houses and the second vertex paint pass on the ground

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We also put the mountains in the background

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We also started the fruit cart, the light poster and the slush dispenser

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Thank you very much, we keep working hard :blush:

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Nice job my estimated comrades!


These days we have advanced with the low poly model and the uvs of the scraping, we have also started the modeling of a street vendor tricycle and we have passed a second pass of vertex paint on the ground.

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