I am currently on a stage of publishing Oculus VR app and I am encountering an issue with the headset’s orientation reset functionality. This issue is critical for meeting the VRC.Quest.Functional.9 requirement.
When using the new VR template in Unreal Engine 5.3.2-5.4.4, pressing and holding the Oculus button only brings up the system screen with “Reset View” and “Exit,” but it does not reset the orientation as expected. The orientation reset functionality is crucial for ensuring users can reorient themselves in VR, especially to meet the certification requirements for VRC.Quest.Functional.9.
Steps Taken:
I tried different Unreal Engine versions 5.3.2-5.4.4 with different XR API options inside MetaXR plugin settings:
-OculusOVRPlugin + OpenXR backend
-Epic Native OpenXR with Oculus vendor extensions
I attempted to bind the “Reset Orientation and Position” functionality within Unreal Engine’s Enhanced Input system, but I cannot find the Oculus button listed in the input mapping options.
I have tried mapping the orientation reset to other buttons (such as the A or B buttons), which works within the project but does not satisfy the requirement of using the Oculus button to trigger this action.
I attached an “reset orientation” event on GetVRFocus False state and it’s working perfect but I received same VRC.Quest.Functional.9 with message: The user’s forward orientation is not reset when the Oculus Home button is long-pressed.
Could you please advise on how to enable the Oculus button to properly reset the orientation? Alternatively, if there’s a system-level setting that may be interfering with the reset function, guidance on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
5.4.4 VR template just reseting fine on oculus long press.
5.4.4 Demand SDK 34 and shows error on SDK 32, META allows ONLY 32. What should I do now?
The VR template has the tracking origin set up as Stage by default, which is supposed to remain stationary relative to the room trough a reset. According to that requirement, applications using Stage are exempt from it: https://developers.meta.com/horizon/resources/vrc-quest-functional-9
You could try changing the Set Tracking Origin node in the player pawn to Local Floor instead. It should then reset the orientation transparently from the runtime side.
No, it doesn’t break it. In fact, this is how I passed the certification. I was on 5.3 and couldn’t upgrade to 5.4 because of a plugin. I’ll check it in the future.
How are you adjusting the floor level then? The local reference space has no access to it.
Imagine a child with half your height putting on the headset. They would have the same perspective as you, but their feet would be almost a meter off the in-game floor. A taller person would be sunk into the floor instead, being able to crouch down and look under the floor. the local space is designed for games where the floor height doesn’t matter, like seated simulator games.