I’m trying to import a skeletal mesh into UE4 and the import settings are automatically set to animations imports. I try to us the “Reset to Default” button at the top to go back to the full Skeletal Mesh import settings but it’s not working. is there another way to reset the import settings for FBX files?
Greetings @Seth783!
The best way to reset your project settings, is to open a new, clean project, then grab the defaults of said project, to replace the ones in your current project, either via export, or overwriting the file directly (DefaultEngine.ini in YourProject/Config).
Hey @brs-sebascova !
And how would you do it if all projects have the same setting, even with new projects?
Hello again!
In that case, I would suggest a full uninstall/reinstall of all Epic software:
First, uninstall the engine, launcher, asset packs, etc
Next, open the registry directory HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic Games\Unreal Engine\Builds, and delete any build entries
Finally, delete the folders %userprofile%\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine and %userprofile%\AppData\Local\UnrealHeaderTool
After that, reinstall UE from scratch, all settings should be at default values
so what if that doesn’t work?
Hello again!
That is very unusual, if no traces of UE soft are left in your system, all settings should have reverted to default on reinstall.
At this point, there would be something particular going on in your setup, that is either keeping those setting values stored somewhere, or another software is pushing said import values into UE (for example, Blender tends to impose certain values when pushing FBX files).
Are you sure the FBX file contains the skeleton and mesh and not just the animation information?
If UE only propose to import the animation, that seems to indicate there is no skeleton in the file.