Requests for 4.16 - 4.17

Thanks for your response. Yes, I am aware of that. But my proposed method is far simpler for the user to implement and would save me having to create a customization in the majority of cases.
Having said that I can understand if it’s not exactly the most pressing matter on your roadmap.

Would really love instanced/batched skeletal mesh option as there already is for static meshes, I’ve tried rendering 100s of animated low poly models but it’s just too slow, currently I have them as non-animated instanced static meshes to get the numbers I need for my scene.

I would just love to see a .deb package with Launcher. Someday. I know it will happen. As the team is so busy with all the great features they just continue to create. I would love to see materials go into the materials folder when importing a mesh. Either way I would have to go into materials to delete all the Lamberts, blinns, and Phongs etc.

Sharpening post process. This is very important to achieve more realistic graphics.

+1 for these! Especially the bookmaks. I keep having to remove bookmarks I want to continue using because there are so few.

Texture arrays! It would be a huge boon to landscapes. There’s been a PR sitting open with it for a while.

Further customizing appearance of collapsed nodes

Node ReDesign.png

On the collapsed node, in addition to the color it is, a check box to have the color change the entire node color,
as demonstrated in the above image.

Unreal Engine 4 Lacks Infinite Terrain. It Would Be Perfect If They Add 16k Terrains.
and it needs some improvements in the performance regarding the terrain editor.
An 8k terrain editing is lag compared to unity.

As using “voice as an input” is one of the grails in VR, in my opinion… I would suggest looking at Voice Attack. Something similar in functionality for using it as a voice input. For voice communications, well, steam voice chat would have that. However, it would need to go sending client -> server -> receiving client(s).

The sending client would need to either:

A) When PTT button is pressed, then “Microphone Listen” with Text input “say something here” then do XYZ
B) If Voice Activated option is enabled, then Microphone Listen should always be turned on

Performance shouldn’t be that bad, as games that would implement this, would have their player’s download / use teamspeak / voice attack / skype / whatever, so the overhead cost should be roughly the same.

Some of the research documents I found when I was completely failing to make a plugin for voice recognition:

TBH, I cannot see Epic doing this either. It’s actually not for, well, sort of not for, simulations, but more for making an extremely accurate calculator (for the most part)… quantum physics / astronomy math and all. Basically, it would be for 1 person in the world; me. And I have no idea how to program… soo :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: I actually found a short cut to this precision level, and its much more efficient than using that big of float precision’s. So much more efficient, that from testing, I can run it on my LG Zone3 phone. Need peer review on it, of course, but eh… I’m not at that point yet in that project, which is on the shelf atm.

Here’s my present demands:

  1. A variable property exposed to blueprint that means that variable retains it’s value when construction script runs (for example, when moving an actor in the level).

  2. More editor-time events in blueprint; things like ‘PostEditProperty’ could be invaluable to authoring editor-side scripts.

I don’t know how it would sound but… Please add an option to move the install directory of Engine to any drive within the launcher. Like we have for steam games and apps… This would be a great thing because many people face issues my copying and moving the engine folder and from drives and then verifying it from launcher or changing extra settings for which we don’t know…

Hold P and click for a print string shortcut and more paper 2d support:)

I would love a ‘BP Node Contructor’ , allowing you to tweak displayed properties on the BP node (eg. depending an EWeaponType, display only relevant property)

it’s already there!
r.ToneMapper.Sharpen = 1 (or whatever value you want)