Requests for 4.16 - 4.17

Would be very nice to have, yeah.

Good to see I’m not the only one waiting for this, you might want to take a look at this thread:

  1. Better support for the new Vive Tracker Pucks!

I’ve found a hacky way to get them to work, but there needs to be a more reliable way rather than the “invalid” type enum and then what number the puck is, is anyone’s guess. Unless I did it completely wrong :wink:

  1. VR Blueprints Editor

My idea is something that looks and feels like SoundStage. You would navigate the mode in a different 3D plane as a VR node based editor. This would translate to Niagara for making effects as well. And all other node based editors in engine such as Anim Blend spaces and AI Blackboard/ Behavior trees. Would be super powerful for Anim Blendspaces, being able to tweak animations in VR.

Thanks for the link. I understand, that the problem at the moment is associated with the blurring of the SSAO with applying of TAA. This have a solve, but not native. In principle, I do not urgently and I can wait for a native release. In fact, forward rendering has many other problems. Sometimes they are more relevant. For example, incorrect work of reflections of light sources. This greatly hinders making realistic material. If you actively use forward, then maybe you want to support this thread: Incorrect reflections of point lights (forward rendering) - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums

I am a huge fan of UE4, and greatly appreciate the ability to use it free of charge AND receive constant engine updates, free content and training material etc.

However could we please have more engine functionality exposed to Blueprints. Particularly in Input rebinding and other unexposed user settings (I know there is a nice little cottage industry of hacky BP alternatives and also Rama’s free Victory plugin, but it feels like this feature is over due . . . ) and Networking . . . lots of networking. Also as the OP mentioned – data tables are real nice.

I believe it to be very simple to add, yet very important (and currently non existent):

Microphone input support in blueprint

Something that is achievable in a few blueprint plug ins if you dig deep enough, and is implementable in blueprint projects by playing around with the C++ for a few hours (for newbies such as myself)

Will make Input for clever games, and Voice chat - Much easier to implement.

Automated renaming of code projects

This would be nifty.

What I think would be great. “PLEASE!!! fix the display hung” crashes! - Error: 0x887A0006 - ‘HUNG’ .That would be this Bug Report/Thread since 4.14 to developers, ue 4.14 crashes! - Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG' - Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums. I honestly think that before getting all of these wonderful features, don’t you think stability would be a higher priority. I mean, im just saying. Food for thought.

Check out this blog about 4.25.2 and NVIDIA Aftermath. Basically, this technology is going to give us considerably more info about how to track down bugs like these :cool:

this option realy cool from unity select necesary componets


I’ve shared these requests with and the team. There are a lot of useful ideas in here. I can say for sure a lot of them are very big and 4.16 and even 4.17 are coming up a little too soon for everything to be done by then realistically. We’re taking these into consideration though and really appreciate the suggestions. I think the SoundStage idea looks awesome for BPs in VR myself.

This exists and it will ask you what you would like to add before installing through the launcher.

Hell no.

I’d be happy to be able to distinguish between (unsigned) byte,(unsigned) short,(unsigned) int,(unsigned) long, float and double in Blueprints.

Now that we have volumetric fog and lighting I think we should get sharpening post effects. This is very important for photorealistic graphics (especially exteriors)

Something really small:

-Enhance the UPROPERTY ‘EditCondition’ specifier to allow more than just boolean variable conditions. For a catch-all solution without too much hassle, allow to specify the name of a UFUNCTION returning bool and call it at runtime.
-Similarly, add a ‘VisibleCondition’ specifier! Would really clean up some of my UIs.

What method are you using? I’m use get tracked device something something, but its noticeably more latency than a normal motion controller component.

Forward Rendering

Light functions on stationary directional lights would be nice

Access and change of projection matrix pleaaaaase

How would you want this to be exposed? Do you want an array of audio samples each frame? I’d be very worried about Blueprint perf dealing with that much data. Or are you looking for a way to create SoundWave’s at runtime from a mic (e.g. ‘Begin Recording’, ‘End Recording’)?

If you create a Details Customization for your class, you can do all kinds of more sophisticated logic for property editing!

I would like to have int64 available for Blueprints Uproperties (and replicated), that’s all for now that I miss.