Hi there,
If this is existing functionality within the engine, I’d like to know how to get started using it. Otherwise, I’d like to request it.
Take a look at this video:
[Donkey Kong Country Returns - 7-7 Music Madness - YouTube][1]
Do you notice how EVERY actor in that level is synchronized to the music? No actor ever misses a beat.
So I’d like to have the ability “visualize” the sound. The editor previews the wav signature, akin to programs like SoundBooth / Audacity / etc. And when you move the slider a certain distance along the signature, you can inject a notify into the game telling actors within it to do something. You would send the notify into C++, and have C++ figure out what to do with the callback.
This could be extended to blueprints as well, especially given the uniformity of most of the editors with the blueprint schema.
In case I’m confusing anyone with the wav signature term, here is what I mean: