Request: QOL options for the Guard device

I would really like it if I could, 1 have the ability to not show the names of guards on the same team (when players spawn they just see guard 12 times around their screen) and 2, give guards names even when they’re not hired. Like, in my current project there are Guard NPCs for both teams, all of which I want named according to their skin I cannot change the name from “guard” unless a player hires said guard. (which I don’t want) It’d help a lot with making Guards feel less like Guards and more like characters.

@Sonic2kj Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Try to turn on the hire option, then name the guard and then turn off the hire option. It should keep the name you set. :+1: