If I built a brush with texture custom uv-paning and scaling, and I later to make another brush with same texture adjustments, it bad that:
- I can’t see with Material is appended to the brush. If I want to make anthor new brush later with same Material I have to seek it manualy
- I can’t see anymore the UV-scaling and panning of a selected face/brush, (it shows default properties) so I have to guess it
- I can’t copy all the UV panning, rotatation, mirror and scaling from the selected brush to another brush, have to set it all again. It would be very helpful to be able to copy and paste just the material with all the adjustment from one face to another
- There are so useful surface aglin options (Planar, Box, Fit etc.). Why the uv-scalling, rotatation, mirror and panning doesn’t matter by this settings? This should matter because sometimes I want/need Planar or Fit with UV scalling = 2 etc.
- another thing: I would be nice to be able to set the origin point (where the RGB-arrows are) of a brush in the center again (after some editing of the brush by making a side bigger or extruding)