[Request] Can we get better trackpad navigation within the graph view of blueprints?

Hi all

I use a MacBook Pro for all my UE4 needs. Even when using an external monitor I use a magic trackpad since I get RSI from using a mouse. In my journey with UE4, I’ve found that it works really well with trackpads most of the time. The main area that I would rate as painful to me is the graph view which really doesn’t work well with trackpads (on Mac).

The usual two-finger touch motion that should scroll a view around simply zooms in and out (it works like mouse wheel scrolling) and it doesn’t support the standard pinch-style zooming either, in short, there doesn’t appear to be a way to logically move the view around using a trackpad. The orthographic views in the editor (as an example) handle the trackpad motions correctly - scrolling when you use a two finger drag, and zooming in/out with pinches. Ideally the graph view (for materials and blueprint editing) should operate the same way.

Both Cascade and Matinee don’t handle these inputs correctly either, and should ideally work the same as the orthographic view as well, but I have not used these editors much myself, so not sure how much of a problem it actually is, a quick play with the UI suggests Matinee isn’t too bad since it has scrollbars you can use to move the track view around, but couldn’t really figure out cascade at a glance.

So I guess I have three questions:

  1. Is there a good alternative I can use to move the graph view around that does not require a physical mouse? I’ve personally been using box selection and scrolling to the edge of the graph which does make it move in that direction, it gets the job done, but it’s a pretty clunky way to work.
  2. Could you guys please make the graph view handle trackpad inputs correctly? (basically mirroring what it does on the orthographic views would be perfect as that handles it correctly). ← this is my high priority request :slight_smile:
  3. As a bonus, if you guys can do it, can you make Cascade and Matinee handle trackpad navigation correctly as well?

Thanks guys!

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I can’t help with question 1, sorry. Maybe someone else will have some idea. But I can answer questions 2 and 3 - we do plan to add proper trackpad support to other parts of editor, and soon. I don’t know when exactly, though.

That’s great to know. And thanks, I really appreciate the awesome support the engine is getting on Mac now.

So, almost a decade later and still no support? It even looks like @zeroeightsix doesn’t even work at Epic anymore.


Oh boy, It is absolutely unacceptable that a such standard thing has not been implemented yet.
October 23 and there’s still no way to navigate the blueprints graph with a trackpad/touchpad.
With the increased number of powerful laptops that replace the tower PC’s, this might have a wider impact and it should be addressed asap.
However, I have noticed that the scroll is actually possible on Mac using the two-finger gesture as you usually do when navigating a website.


Agreed! It is so easy to get around blender on my laptop! And the navigation in UE is just so weird with my trackpad, to me. Could this be a addon that someone makes or something?


There is a workaround using AutoHotkey.

The following code allows Win + Tab to simulate a right mouse click. After that, you can move your finger on the touchpad to pan the graph in the Blueprint editor.

And you can custom the key in the autohotkey

#IfWinActive ahk_class UnrealWindow

Send {RButton Down}  
KeyWait, LWin
KeyWait, Tab 
Send {RButton Up}  
