[Request]Can anyone give me the open world demo texture in a lower resolution

So I wanted to make a good scene with the open world textures but they are all 8k and locks up my computer when I try to export them. Can anyone do the job for me? You only need to export. Then I will lower the resolution in Photoshop. You can upload it to one drive or google drive and then post the links here. Only need the textures and normal found under groundtiles, rocks, and cliffs in the open world demo.
Also can you post the materials found under ground tiles, rocks, and cliffs with EMPTY texture samples so that I can use them with the low res textures. I ask this 'cause I can’t even open up the materials as they are associated with 8k textures.

Dont think either gdrive/odrive have enough space to store that.
Also, its not really allowed to do so afaik.
Or, its a gray area at least.

Manually exporting them one by one should work fine though.

I cant export them manually. When I right click any of them this

if your computer specs are close to below the suggested minimum, why not try the free infinity blade content available on the marketplace.

If your pc cant handle the ultra high end Kite content (which is made for ultra-high end pc’s and movie, not games) then you should consider using content that will work on your computer and roll with it.

Yes but I want to use the textures there for my landscape. I don’t think that Infinity blade will be able to provide me with those kind of textures. Also I need trees and rocks. Where do I get my hands on them?

seriously dude, in the time it took you to write this and wait for a reply, you could easily have opened the launcher, take a look at the infinity blade content and found this: Infinity Blade: Grass Lands in Epic Content - UE Marketplace which has trees, terrain textures, and more.

If your attitude is lazy like this, im rather done helping you.

Sorry man, but the high poly trees and the cool textures in open world demo… you don’t get them anywhere.

I didn’t want a misunderstanding. Sorry for any wrongs on my part. I did not understand that infinity blade refers to terrains(you see “blade…”). I had downloaded the UE4.11 and open world demo directly from the library and had not visited the marketplace. So I hadn’t the least idea what infinity blade meant and did not give serious attention to it when you posted them. SORRY!!

No worries :slight_smile:
A research goes a long way though!
Also be sure to check the ue4 forums for other awesome free stuff.
also, someone collected all the free content here: Free content | Unreal Engine 4 blog