[Request/Bug] Cascade UI somewhat unresponsive, some features not working correctly.

I’ve noticed that pausing and slowing down your effects speeds is now integrated into a drop-down box in the Cascade viewport.

The issue I have with these is that sometimes I want to pause an effect at a specific point, but by the time I have right-clicked and navigated to the pause menu, the particle has often advanced quite some time since. I much preferred it when the ‘Pause’ and ‘Speed’ buttons were part of the main UI so I could just click on them when I needed a better idea of what was going on.

While it’s possible to right-click and navigate the the pause menu and wait for the particle to advance to the right time frame, when you DO click pause, the particle doesn’t pause intermediately like the old method.

Hi James,

Thank you for your feedback. I was able to see the issue that you are describing in Cascade. There have been some new UI changes, but I have created a feature request to have this changed so that the particle does not update when the Time menu is open. This will hopefully resolve the issue you are experiencing. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.

