Reproduction of Non-Uniform Mesh Textures in Niagara Particle Systems

There is a phenomenal tutorial that describes very well how use the “Initialise Mesh Reproduction Sprite” and “Update Mesh Reproduction Sprite” Niagara modules to create a particle system whose particles form the shape of a mesh, in the case of this tutorial, the effect is applied to the skeletal mesh of a character.

There is a very simple Material skinning the character in the tutorial, Crunch.
This is ideal, considering the material graph node “Niagara_MeshReproductionSpriteUVs,”

  • which is seemingly essential to correctly format the material/texture information to be read by the particles in the niagara system (like the colour or normal of the mesh at a given UV) - assumes that “the mesh’s uvs are square and not scaled to fit non-uniform textures.” [pictured]

The material in the default UE5 Mannequin, Quinn, is set up with some differences

  • The actor’s skeletal mesh uses TWO materials, unlike Crunch’s skeletal mesh, which uses a single material instance.

  • The material graph used by Crunch has texture sample parameters, with the exposed node to input UV co-ordinates; Quinn’s material graph has texture sample parameters already separated into different channels, hiding the node to input UV co-ordinates into the texture samples [pictured] , which I believe I need to connect the “Niagara_MeshReproductionSpriteUVs”

My question, is there a way to perform this same effect to the more complex Quinn? If so, how would I go about it? Quinn’s two materials are two instances of the same parent Mannequin material, for the Niagara System, would I have to make 2 more materials, one for the head textures and one for the body textures? How would I be able to communicate the difference to the Niagara System so that the particles have the correct information?

(link to the original tutorial: Building advanced effects in Niagara | Unreal Engine - YouTube)

Any updates on a solution for this? I thought maybe it had to do with using the sampling regions parameter on the mesh reproduction modules, but that doesn’t seem to do anything. Would be great to see if anyone has figured out how to target one material at a time on a model that has multiple materials, and then use multiple emitters to target all necessary materials to cover full model.