Is anyone aware of a way to reposition a Cinematic Camera (In Sequencer) AFTER importing Camera Motion data from an external 3D package?
I need to move the Cinematic Camera to an appropriate part of the level AND keep its existing/imported keyframes and not jump back to where it was at render time.
I’ve tried parenting the cinematic camera to another object in Outliner and moving that but at render time the Camera becomes unparented (Because the camera is set to spawnable) - somewhere along the line someone at UNREAL forgot that what we see in the Sequencer is what we’d like to get at render time!!!
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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If the camera is a spawnable, you’ll need to use attach tracks to attach them to another object that is in the sequence. The reason is that the parenting doesn’t persist when the sequence is played at runtime since the object is respawned. Here’s a good article on attach tracks: Sequencer Attach Tracks