Reporting Issues for Documentation

In Firefox, the slider-based photos that compare two different results / scene setups are really small, making them unviewable. There’s also a broken image above a multi-slider (see photo).

and every other page I’ve visited that has those slider photos for comparing

In Unreal Editor Manual\ … \ Create New Project it does not inform the reader which project is best for someone who wants to use both C++ and Blueprints, nor give any indication as to the ramifications of starting in one over the other.

Detailed description of the issue: Documentation remark is incorrect.
Links: UProceduralMeshComponent::ClearCollisionConvexMeshes | Unreal Engine Documentation


I have seen ConstructorHelpers in a third party code so I wanted to learn what this is. I went to the documentation.

Now I know how to use this but I have absolutely no idea about what it does… :rolleyes:

Those slider image types work now.

Out-of-date information on Actor net roles (Role/RemoteRole docs page) - please update ASAP

The use of AActor::Role - which is required for networking - has changed in UE4.25, now we are required to use GetLocalRole() and SetRole() instead, since Role has been changed to private, and thus cannot be accessed in derived classes. This change is mentioned in the UE4.24 version of the AActor class. I think it’s very important to add the correct information to that docs page (

Side note: To my knowledge, a central source for finding changes like these for new versions of the engine does not exist, this would be an immensely helpful addition to the documentation.

  • RPG


All sub link of Delegates | Unreal Engine Documentation are dead.

thanks for the quick fix!

The link for creating Interfaces (Interfaces | Unreal Engine Documentation) does not work anymore

Best regards,


Engine version: probably 4.15+

Description: Out-of-date information

Details: In…cts/index.html GENERATED_BODY should be used instead of GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY.

Detailed description of the issue:

Working with Modular Characters…shmergeexample

All TArray types are missing in the Mesh Merge Example section .h code sample

Additional info that is helpful: Firefox & Chrome in Desktop & mobile

**Connecting Unreal Engine 4 to Maya with Live Link

UE Version: 4.24.3

Maya 2019**…ink/index.html

Documentation is missing steps, will post feedback in Questions forum. My solution works with Maya 2019.

1 - Enabling the Live Link Plugin

Step 3: This is out of sync and the download files are not useful. Useful files can be found : C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.24\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\MayaLiveLink\Binaries\ 2016-2019

3 - Establishing a Connection to UE4

Before Step 1: “Inside the UE4 Editor, from the Menu Bar under Window, select Live Link.”

New - Step 1: Should be, "In Maya, select an object, ie. cube, sphere, primitive, etc and “Add Selection in Maya Live Link UI,”

This will engage UE4 to recognize the plug in. **It will not connect Maya to UE4 without this very important step. **

Please be mindful that your users are new to this program and these small steps take hours out of their working day to figure out. Please be more detailed in your steps and hand holding is necessary.

This is a very useful tool. Thanks for creating it!

*** video is tagged as private in Unreal official Docs***

Hi team,
i was running through the documentation and found one of the videos tagged as private and was unable to view it, though to inform you about it (hope i am posting at the right place based on the first thread ).

is the link of the documentation and a screenshot:

](Sequencer Track List in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation)

@echo_four Hi there,
Thanks a lot for fixing it swiftly!

@GoldenZero123, what was meant is the video being private was not helpful, not that you informed of the problem to get fixed.

@presto423 Oooooooh. my bad, thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

There’s a wee typo on the newly added Capsule Shadows page. Sub-header describes setting up sequencer.

“Single Layer Water” shading model isn’t listed in this documentation:…res/index.html and i needed to know if it works with OpenGLES 3.1

Engine Version: 4.25.1

Detailed description of the issue: The multiplayer quick start documentation uses ‘AThirdPersonMPCharacter’ in all class references but the newest version of the engine uses ‘AThirdpersonMPCharacter’. This should be a simple fix of changing of lowering the case as needed.


Hi Unreal Doc QA!

I have just found an issue on the Level Designer Quick Start Page (Level Designer Quick Start in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation).

Within the page, there is a lot of formatting issues, with text and images overlapping.
In the image below, the web page is zoomed out so that an overview of the issue may be observed.

The only section affected by this is section 3.
I am viewing the web page in firefox 79.0.

Kind Regards,

Hello there!

I found a problem on this page :…age/index.html

Note that it happened the first time I loaded the page, when I looked for the word “scaling” with CTRL+F and went down to this section.
Then I refreshed the page and it’s now correctly displayed.