Reporting Issues for Documentation

Thanks for pointing that out. That’s drawn from a code comment, so we’ll look around to see who knows about that system, and then update or remove the comment as appropriate.

Update: 's the new URL. I’ll put this into code today, but it may take a little time to work its way out to the public binaries.

A small typo in 7. AI Controller Setup | Unreal Engine Documentation

“…have Event BeginPlay execute a Run** Beahvior **Tree node using the…”

Thank you for reporting that. I’ve fixed it , and it should go out on our next publishing cycle.

This page is screwy for me at the bottom. Creating an Aim Offset | Unreal Engine Documentation
chrome browser:

This looks OK in my Chrome browser, I’m not seeing the issue in the screenshot you posted (and thank you for posting a screenshot, it makes things a lot easier). I have seen some occasions when a page loads wrong and needs a refresh. Are you seeing this issue consistently, or might it have been a one-off? Please let us know, and thanks for reporting!

Nevermind, the issue was in enabled AdGuard which for some reason move bottom line copyright notice over the content panel.
with adguard - without adguard -

Well, that’s interesting. I’m not sure if we can work around that, but it could still be good to know. Thanks!

It doesn’t matter, just turn it off. But now you have a new row in default troubleshoot list “Do you have any third party plugins which may affect the content of a page, like AdBlock”. :slight_smile:

Minor error in Multi-Cast Delegates page.

Near the bottom, the inl file specified is not at the location quoted

It is now in

Thanks! I’ve fixed that, and it should be updated in a few days when we publish updates.

Outdated information in

The text states “Because the Create Save Game Object node creates a generic SaveGame object copy, you have to drag off of the Return Value pin and Cast to MySaveGame”. This is no longer true in 4.15, where the Create Save Game Object node returns the selected class directly. The cast is thus unnecessary. In addition to updating the text, several of the images needs to be redone to reflect the change.

Thanks, HavocX! I’ll take a look at that and get it fixed.

Small but confusing error in Texture Streaming Metrics in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation.

Towards the end of the page the following is stated:
“The texture streamer cannot automatically fit different memory budgets without the hassle of manual tweaks.”

I’m pretty sure the intent was to write “can automatically” .

About the IWYU changes. On this page, can you please make a director to the api, so that people on the answerhub stop posting answers about “My C++ tutorial X is giving me an pointer to incomplete class” error? Many of the answerhub questions are about finding a specific header. <3

Yeah, that looks like a mistake. We’ll review it.

Good idea, the IWYU page would be better if it made people aware that the API docs provide that information. I’ll see what can be done about that.

Thanks to both of you!

This tutorial is outdated, i think it can be removed. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

That is something a added on the community wiki. We don’t currently have the bandwidth to maintain community generated content like this, but we encourage all community members to participate in keeping things up to date or calling out when they are not. Since it is a community wiki, anyone can edit the pages to update them.

UE 4.16.3
Documentation page: Visual Logger

Issue: Missing info about the need to implement IVisualLoggerDebugSnapshotInterface.

Documentation says:

It assumes that the Actor class implements *IVisualLoggerDebugSnapshotInterface *which is not true. Only AAIController implements it.

Maybe this was changed in 4.17.

Missing important information: optional socket name will only correctly be resolved for sockets in the root component of the parent actor. Sockets in non root components of the parent are not working correctly.

Not sure if this is intended but at least it should be documented :wink: Given the fact that collision components have to be root component I guess the Socket Name option is practically pretty useless because normally sockets or not in the root component.…Ads/index.html
Android AdMob image missing in split compare. [SPOILER]

Video section has 2! navigation toolbars. [SPOILER]
Table in Terminology section is really broken [SPOILER]
Sequencer HowTo’s broken (iirc other HowTo’s as well) [SPOILER]