RepNotify variables in a loop only shows the last index changes to newly joined players.

Hello Auran,
Alright here is a code breakdown (sorry if it is messy i tested a lot of things )
I start by calling a custom event after OnBeginPlay that fetch my Data using an API.

Then once i retrieve my data Array i pass it to nother custom event to break down the data

then i created a variable to replicate my data by setting it and using the repnotify function to make the logic when it is changed like so :

and here is the logic for the data RepNotif :

GetChart basicaly just make a loop on my data using a specific timer , i didnt use basic loops so i dont spawn my actors in a single frame because i had some issues with the outcome.(it is a long code so i’ll seperate it to 3 parts)
Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part 3 :

Now i use the Repnotify on the Type of Chart variable to start setting the specific widgets
Since i have two possible type of actors (either main monitor or a normal one) i made two Arrays that reference an exisitng actors of each type in my map and i made two counters like so

now on each counter Repnotify I made the logic of spawning

and finally the struct that contains the data of each monitor i set it in the bleuprint of the actor itself so it start the Repnotify logic
Part 1 :

Part 2 :

and the logic is the same for the other chart type it is just a big chunk fo nodes

I know it is too long but i am kind of lost on where the issue could be. i would apreciate some help.