Replication through Impulse problems

I am working hitting a physics ball around, so far everything local of course works fine, but in testing multiplayer ran in to a few snags.

Currently the server can still hit the ball around ok, however when a client hits it, it starts to move but jitters, switching back to server you see it has not moved at all.

Note, that I originally tried multiple combinations with switch authority and without as well as different replications on the custom events, i’m not sure where i am going wrong.

Here are the blue prints:

(Character BP)
(Hammer BP)
(Ball BP)


Devised a work-around based on using custom events to multi-cast the event. In this example it allows me to pass location / and rotation of player camera to the server to initiate my replicated event for me.

(Player BP imitates and passes to server.)

(Ball Receives command from server and applies information.)

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Hey, did you manage to get anywhere with this particular project, if so do you have a demo video on YouTube? It’s definitely been a while.