Can anyone answer this question:
//trigger from the server
ReplicatedVar1 = new value;
ReplicatedVar2 = new value;
//try to use ReplicatedVar2, that is not of its own
Using 'ReplicatedVar2'; //can it get the 'new value' here?
//try to use ReplicatedVar1, that is not of its own
Using 'ReplicatedVar1'; //can it get the 'new value' here?
+I know that there is no gaurantee that OnRep_ReplicatedVar1() will run before OnRep_ReplicatedVar2() or vice versa
+I also know that ReplicatedVar1 got new value before OnRep_ReplicatedVar1() triggers, if we consider it LOCALLY
+But Is there a gaurantee that ReplicatedVar1 and ReplicatedVar2 got new values before their OnReps trigger, if we consider it GLOBALLY?