Hi there,
I made a new project based on the blueprint flying game to learn networking with.
When I set the number of clients to 2 in the Play options menu then play it, the UFO in the second window (the client game) doesn’t replicate properly in the first window (the server game). It just flys into the wall even if I alt tab over to the client game and point the UFO up in the sky. The servers UFO does replicate properly in the second window though.
Is there something extra I’m supposed to have done or should it be working like this already?
I’ve ran into the same issure i’m pretty sure the replication error is because the flying template player controller uses “Pawn” as its parent class opposed to “character”. It seems that replication of player controllers derived from “pawn” need extra fiddling. Not sure how to solve it, best bet would be to just derive from “character”
Zuerst kann ich ihnen sagen, dass der Replikationsfehler nicht durch die Pawn-Klasse entsteht.
Da die Bewegung des Blaupausen-Flugzeugs aus dem Tick Event stammt müssen Sie versuchen dieses zu replizieren. Versuchen Sie es am besten mit einem Run-On-Owning-Client Event.
Vielleicht wird bei Ihnen nicht alles repliziert, aber zumindest sollte jeder Spieler seine Bewegung erkennen.
Ich hoffe ich konnte Ihnen damit weiterhelfen.