Replication Problem: Everything works but the client mesh yaw does not rotate well

Trying to make this work for clients. So far everything works, just that the client mesh does not rotate well (example: Screen capture - bac2505af57ebba858cfe14e97778302 - Gyazo ). I think there are parts where the client runs the variables twice, which causes the character to spas out when moving more then 90 degrees? I am running out of ideas and have tried cutting this in segments. I made the capsule component replicate which improved the rotation a tad.

Also did this in c++ if it’s more easier to fix and understand:

void AVSCharacter::Tick(float DeltaTime)
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)

FRotator MakeRot = UKismetMathLibrary::MakeRotator(0.0f, Pitch1, Yaw1);

FRotator ControlRotation = this->GetControlRotation();
FRotator ActorRotation = this->GetActorRotation();
FRotator DeltaRotation = UKismetMathLibrary::NormalizedDeltaRotator(ControlRotation, ActorRotation);

FRotator Interpto = FMath::RInterpTo(MakeRot, DeltaRotation, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), 8.0f);
Yaw1 = Interpto.Yaw;
Pitch1 = Interpto.Pitch;

//Other Section
//FVector CurrentVel = this->GetVelocity();
//float vectorLength = CurrentVel.Size(); //vector length

if (GetCharacterMovement()->Velocity.Size() == 0)
Moving1 = true;
Moving1 = false;

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“Health Changed: %s”), *FString::SanitizeFloat(Moving1));

if (Moving1 == true)
GetCharacterMovement()->bUseControllerDesiredRotation = false;

FRotator ControlRotation2 = this->GetControlRotation();
FRotator ActorRotation2 = this->GetActorRotation();

ControlRotation2.Roll = 0;
ControlRotation2.Pitch = 0;

ActorRotation2.Roll = 0;
ActorRotation2.Pitch = 0;

FRotator DeltaRotation2 = UKismetMathLibrary::NormalizedDeltaRotator(ControlRotation2, ActorRotation2);

float absfloat = abs(DeltaRotation2.Yaw);

FRotator Interpto = FMath::RInterpTo(FRotator(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), DeltaRotation2, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), 10.0f);

if (AimOffset1 || absfloat >= 90.0f)
AimOffset1 = true;

bool NearlyEqual = UKismetMathLibrary::NearlyEqual_FloatFloat(DeltaRotation2.Yaw, 0.0f, 1.0f);
AimOffset1 = !NearlyEqual;
GetCharacterMovement()->bUseControllerDesiredRotation = true;
AimOffset1 = false;
