Hi all
Im very new to the engine and programming in general, and this is actually my first big hurdle i came across, since its hard to describe and thus googling it has been a hell hole with no results so far, the forums i reckon are my last chance to find a solution to this problem.
basically my game has a mechanic where you could throw mags at your oopponents to deal damage
but as you can see the mag only changes direction on the horisontal plane when its run client side (when run on server side as a listen server its completly fine)
i really dont know how else to describe this problem aside from posting some videos and screens of my blueprint code.
character blueprint code for spawning the magazine and magazine code consecutively.
i really dont know how to describe this any better than i did here but i hope someone has encountered this before and can give me some suggestions, all help will be appreciated.
P.S. sorry for the ghosting in the first video, not sure what it is