Hi guys, i;m new with networking and have a question. I did simple graph that set max jumps and hold time and replicates it.
Here is a graph:
Problem is that I can’t do third jump on client side, I mean it’s jittering, second seems fine. I solved a problem by this:
But I’m not sure why. I guess the jump and stop jumping functions are replicated in code already yes? So when I multicast it, then it’s doing the same think twice? Am I right? If it’s true, then my graph should looks like this?:
And last question, is this a good workflow for replicate stuff? (All that is for listen server, not dedicated)
For quick paste blueprints if u want to check this on your own:
[link text][4]
EDIT: I just realized that on last screenshot i should have instead of “not replicated”–>Jump, have: “On Owning Client” → Jump