Don’t know if it is a problem on previous versions.
Steps to reproduce
Create a new C++ third person example and assign a console key.
Start two instances of the game (Right click .uproject > Launch game).
Open the console and start a new server using “open ThirdPersonExampleMap?listen”.
Turn the server character around, so it faces the opposite way of where it did.
Connect the other instance as client.
Server is now running around backwards.
The server’s mesh gets displaced from the character actor, the distance the server moved from its original spot when the client joins.
Something seems to be reinforcing the offset every time the server character moves. If on the client, I reset the offset, everything looks right, until the server moves again and the offset is reset back to what it was when joining.
I can Approve that this same thing happens in 4.16 Release Version.
I did test with Blueprint Project and have same Results where if Listen Server Rotates Char around and other Client joins it will see the Server ruining backwards. I tested same on Dedicated Servers and it looks like Dedicated Servers are not affected by this or if is its much deeper.
After Little bit more testing i Found that if you remove the placed ThirdPersonChar from level and use Player Start as point for join this problem Goes away and there is no more problems with replication.