Replicating usernames

Hello !

I have a local database that I plan to store on a machine along side a dedicated server for communication.
When I pull a username from that database, I want it to happen on the server and replicate the username to the relevant client, Instead I am changing the username for everybody connected every time I pull one.

For example;

ON SERVER : I use the “Game State” to pull the Username from the database, then I set the username to a replicated variable.


ON CLIENT : I pull the username from the game state and display it on a widget.

What would be the proper way of doing this, should I even be using the Game state for this?
I’m using it because it’s the only one I have found to replicate.

for player related, you should use player state, I use this to replicate to evveryone the steam pseudo of my players :wink:

Okay so GameState replicates to all clients and Player state replicates to the relevant client?

GameState And playerState are both replicated to all clients, but game related data should be in gamestate and player related data should be in player state.

eg : time remaining before end of the match is in gamestate and player health is in playerstate

only player controller isn’t replicated to all players : server has all of them, and player have only their own version …

Okay, thank you, I don’t fully understand why it acts differently if the replication is exactly the same but changing it from GameState to PlayersState seemed to work.