I am trying to make a game with customization. In this game I want the players to send their custom settings to the server that sets the pawn to match this for all players. I have attempted to do this by setting the values of replicated variables on spawn. This only set the color on the server. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
What type of customization are you talking about? Does this customization affects gameplay or is it purely aesthetical?
it has aesthetics and gameplay. you can choose color and weapons. the weapons will have different characteristics.
I can think of 2 ways of achieving the type of customization you want. One would be to have players chose their type of weapon before moving to the map where they will play, that means before the server seamless travel when they are in a lobby, the will chose their weapon before the game and maybe save that inside a stuct in their player controller, then when they start the game the server will use that to spawn their weapons, the other way would be to make the players choose their weapon inside the game map (after the seamless travel) and with the information they provide right there, spawn the proper weapons.
Now I don’t know the level of customization you want to achieve. If it is just using different weapon classes, then it should be somewhat straightforward, if you want to customize a certain weapon, add or take stuff away from an specific weapon then that calls for a more complex system.
So kind of like Loadout right? Yeah that’s not a simple task, you won’t solve this in a few minutes, it’s a very important and complex feature in your networked game. There is no singular path or easy way to achieve what you want here. You need to devise your own system for this.
the customization i am trying to achieve is:
- A chassis with different stats for each different chassis model
- A turret with different stats for each model
- A weapon with different functionality like a minigun and a cannon.
I want this to all be 1 pawn and replicated to all clients. I would want to choose the customization options in the active map so that the player can change what they have selected mid match.
I do have a good idea of how to do it. the part i am stuck on is a way to have the selected weapons that are set on spawn to replicate. i have got it so i can set a static mesh or material on spawn but how would i get that to replicate?