Replicating OnlineSessionSearchResult to clients?

First of all, I don’t have a master server, this is all P2P. I have a beacon based party system. The party host searches for an online GameSession, he found one, now we have a session… cool! Now here is the issue:

How am I supposed to send this FOnlineSessionSearchResult to clients? It’s not a UCLASS so it cannot be replicated. There are no helper functions either. So am I not supposed to? Just send the connection info to clients and call it a day? If so, is it not going to cause issues that the clients don’t know what session they are in? Also, they have to be registered into the session somehow, but I guess the party leader could register them before sending out the connection string. What if the party leader is hosting the session? How will the clients know if it’s safe to connect?

AAAHH so many questions, and yet, so little answers.