Replicating Actor Movement with a Timeline

Hello everyone, wanted to ask here about my issue as I am not really sure what is going on. So basically I have a replicated actor that upon spawning, uses a timeline that sets its location along a spline. Here is the code that does that:

The event which this is in is a Server RPC, called on Begin Play with an authority check like so:

These are my replication settings for the actor:

The problem is that the movement is very jittery and doesn’t follow the spline at all, instead it just drops straight down from its spawn position and then randomly teleports to the desired location. Note that the end location is replicated correctly, but the movement along the spline is not. I’ve tried not replicating the timeline, the spline component etc… all to no avail.

If anyone has any suggestion on how to fix this do tell me, I am very curious why this is happening.

So apparently this issue was caused by two things. First is that since I was setting the location of the actor to a FVector property, that property had to be replicated. This solved the laggy movement part. The other issue was that this event I called was set to run on the Server. I am not sure why, but setting this to just a non replicated event solved everything in the end.

Note that I did not have to use replicated timelines or any authority checks here. Hopefully this helps someone out!

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