Im trying to make a multiplayer platformer game. Im stuck on making a moving platform. The platform is moving from a timeline moving it along a spline component. when the player jumps on it, he starts frantically stuttering around. how to i properly replicate the platforms movement?
Platform actor needs to be set to replicate and replicate movement.
Server needs to spawn this actor. It should not be placed in the level. When spawning the actor use “switch has authority[Auth]”.
From here the Server needs to move the platform.
In my opinion it makes no diffirence.No matter the Actor is placed in the level or spawn by the server, server has the authority of the actor.
I dont know why it was suggested that it had to be spawned… it didnt.
it turned out timeline with a spline component was not the way to go.
The correct way to do this, You need a MoveInterpTo component, turn off relative on the control points, then in the constructionscript, loop through a public vector array of relative locations, add those to the actors location and set those to be the “non-relative” points.
This will replicate the platform perfectly. When the platform is Moving down theres a very slight jitter, but this is because of the character,s movement component switching into fall mode, not because of a replication issue.
Mind showing the blueprint on how it’s done please? Can’t seem to figure it out
then in the constructionscript, loop through a public vector array of relative locations, add those to the actors location and set those to be the “non-relative” points
can you please elaborate this in more detail, im relatively unexperienced, any help is apreciated, thanks.